CMI Continues Expansion, This Time in the Healthcare Practice

CMI, a research and consulting firm, has appointed Wyndy Greene Smelser to lead their Healthcare and Life Sciences practice. CMI’s strategic initiative to expand expertise began earlier this year with additions in the Client Services Team.

As Senior Vice President of CMI Healthcare and Life Sciences, Wyndy will consult with marketing and brand teams on their current business and information objectives, while also providing thought leadership on emerging topics in the complex healthcare and life sciences industries. In her new role, Wyndy will focus on brand and client development within the context of primary marketing research consulting, while serving in the capacity of a senior management role.

Wyndy has more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry, holding positions in private women’s health practices, nursing homes, hospitals and medical insurance and health policy settings. Prior to opening her own consultancy, Wyndy was a Manager of Client Services for G&S Research in Indianapolis.
Wyndy earned her master’s degree in medical sociology and an undergraduate degree in social and behavioral sciences, with concentrations in psychology, medical sociology, medical humanities and health studies from Indiana University. She is affiliate faculty in Sociology at Georgia State University.

“CMI has a long history working with healthcare and life sciences clients. Wyndy joining our team exemplifies our commitment to this community to lead by example by bringing together such high caliber individuals with capacity for leadership. Without question, CMI will flourish under Wyndy’s guidance. Moreover, our clients will be the beneficiaries of what she and her team will bring in knowledge and expertise,” said Scott Layne, President of CMI.

“I am delighted to be part of the future with this innovative company,” said Wyndy Greene Smelser, upon joining CMI. The future of market research lies in challenging the conventions of existing methodologies and providing clients with information that not only influences but can alter human behavior. “I’m thrilled to have an outstanding analytics team behind the proprietary yPrescribe™ product that does exactly that. I look forward to partnering with clients to address their business needs in a way that will improve patients’ lives.”

About CMI
As a consulting firm focused in the evolved BC² market, CMI provides valuable information based on the principles of market research that accelerates marketing productivity.  Our solutions equip organizations with the knowledge to influence their intermediary partners, ultimately empowering consumer purchase intent.

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